Catherine (Swag Name: (Catlinders) is from Bedford, England and has been a Swagbucks member since May 2019.

Here is what she has to say about her Swagbucks Rewarding Moment

I started using Swagbucks after having my Daughter as it was a way to share my opinions and earn a little extra money whilst she was taking her daily naps. I earn my swagbucks mainly through taking surveys and more recently using Shop & Earn. Gaining Swagbucks on everyday purchases is a great way of increasing points and I have installed the swagbutton on my internet browser to remind me to activate the tracking tool. Swagbucks have some really interesting surveys, and in the past I have joined some really good open forum and community groups, for opinions on so many different topics, from household goods to travel, food, shopping, so many topics. The Swagbucks support team are the best, whenever I have needed support from them, mainly due to survey failures, they are always quick to respond and very helpful. I try to log in every day and last month got my biggest ever bonus streak of 21 days. Over the past year I have redeemed my swagbucks for Paypal vouchers and saved them up for spending money for our family holiday to Florida. Being a member of Swagbucks and being rewarded for my time means I can treat family and friends to dinners / days out that we wouldn’t otherwise be able to afford to do.  

Here is a picture of Catherine

Catherine, we have issued 1,000 SB to your account. Thank you for sharing your Rewarding Moment with us!

Was ist Ihr lohnender Moment?

Senden Sie Ihren lohnenden Moment an und fügen Sie Ihren hinzu

1. Name
2. Swag Name
3. Woher Sie kommen: Stadt/Bundesland
4. Wie Sie dazu gekommen sind Swagbucks and your favorite ways to earn SB.
5. Your Rewarding Moment
6. Ein Foto.

Members who get their rewarding moment published receive 1,000 SB. Plus your referral link will be used whenever Swagbucks is mentioned in the post!

Darüber hinaus könnte Ihre Geschichte auch auf unserem Instagram-Konto @swagbucksofficial oder anderen sozialen Kanälen wie Facebook, Twitter, Instagram und Pinterest erscheinen!

Wenn Sie ein anderes Mitglied für Rewarding Moments nominieren möchten, erstellen Sie bitte ein Video und posten Sie es entweder auf Twitter (stellen Sie sicher, dass @swagbucks und #SBgoodpeople in Ihrer Nachricht enthalten sind), posten Sie es auf unserer Facebook-Pinnwand oder senden Sie einen Link (oder es) per E-Mail an Senden Sie uns eine E-Mail, um uns Bescheid zu geben, egal was passiert. Wenn wir diese Geschichte auswählen, erhält die von Ihnen nominierte Person 1.000 SB und Sie 500 SB :-)

Wenn wir Ihren lohnenden Moment diese Woche nicht erzählt haben, bedeutet das nicht, dass wir ihn in Zukunft nicht erzählen werden. Es gibt so viele großartige lohnende Momente zu teilen. Wir freuen uns darauf, Ihre zu hören.

-Team Swagbucks