Free Celebrity Cruises $50 Gift Card Recibe Celebrity Cruises $50 Gift Card gratis con Swagbucks

Celebrity Cruises $50 Gift Card
(5 opiniones)

Details on the Free Celebrity Cruises $50 Tarjeta de regalo

Celebrity Cruises is the choice for you! Celebrity Cruises offers comfortably sophisticated, upscale vacation experiences with highly personalized service, exceptional dining, and extraordinary attention to detail. All ships ranked in Top 10 For Berlitz Complete Guide to Cruising and always chosen as “Top Premium Cruise Line� by the readers of Condé Nast Traveler magazine. The Celebrity’s fleet is where you will experience the vacation of a lifetime.

To view a sample e-Gift Card and a complete list of the Terms & Conditions click here.

Your gift code will be posted on your account profile, under "My Gift Cards" within 10 business days of verifying your purchase.

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8 Revisar
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on 04/03/24
The gift card is good but there terms are not made available until after you get the card. Read carefully before using your points on it.

Certificate may be used only as a form of payment toward a new reservation made directly with Celebrity Cruises.
Certificate value may only be applied toward the cruise fare for Celebrity Cruises sailings quoted in USD and cannot be used toward payment of the required initial deposit. The initial deposit must be paid in USD (by cash or credit card) at the time of booking.
To redeem this Certificate/Card send email request to ********
Certificate may not be applied in partial amounts.
There are no blackout dates and no restrictions as to ship, itinerary or stateroom category; however, all reservations are subject to availability at the time of booking.
Certificate may not be applied to a reservation within a group, charter, casino program or other promotion.
Certificate may not be used to obtain onboard credit or to settle any shipboard charges.
Multiple certificates may be applied toward the cruise fare of the same reservation if there is a balance on the reservation. Full Certificate balance must be used within any given reservation. Once the reservation has been made, Celebrity Cruises normal policies regarding cancellation, changes, and deadlines for the payment of deposits and all other payments, shall apply.
Certificate is transferable only by gift and bears no expiration date.
Certificate is nonrefundable, has no cash value, and will be not replaced if lost, stolen or if the reservation is cancelled.
Certificate shall be void where prohibited or restricted by law and if sold for cash or other consideration.
Passenger Ticket Contract. All passengers must sign and agree to the terms and conditions of Celebrity Cruises’ Cruise Ticket Contract available online their website. Those terms and conditions are hereby incorporated by reference.
on 08/07/20
When are these going to be on sale again?
They were 4,250sb!
on 02/02/16
Comment Under Review
on 09/20/17
on 07/21/13
I wish they had these for Disney Cruises . . . .
on 07/28/15
You can redeem Swagbucks for a Target gift card and then use that to purchase Disney gift cards!
on 08/17/13
Cannot be used on existing reservations, only on brand new reservations. Also, there is some question as to whether or not it can be used in conjunction with a promo price. No really all that useful.
on 09/10/13
I found out the same thing with these gift cards when I called Celebrity. You're only allowed to redeem $1000 worth of gift cards per cabin or $500 per person.