Jolie (Swag Name: InkyReader) is from Rexburg, Idaho and has been a Swagbucks member since May 2014.

Here is what Jolie has to say about her Swagbucks Rewarding Moment:

I signed up as a teenager when the site offered prizes like toys and wristbands, a long while back in 2014. I still have the little rubber wristband I got as my first prize. I drifted away from the site for a few years because I was super focused on school, but now that I am a full-time homemaker, I do my best to supplement our household income with Swagbucks rewards. I’m delighted that I can surprise my husband with little treats every once in a while with the gift cards I get. I’m still getting the hang of the site, but I’m pleased with how it’s going! 

Jolie, we have issued 1,000 SB to your account. Thank you for sharing your Rewarding Moment with us.

¿Cuál es tu momento gratificante?

Envíe su momento gratificante a e incluya su

1. Name
2. Swag Name
3. De dónde eres: ciudad/estado
4. Cómo llegaste por primera vez Swagbucks and your favorite ways to earn SB.
5. Your Rewarding Moment
6. Una foto.

Members who get their rewarding moment published receive 1,000 SB. Plus your referral link will be used whenever Swagbucks is mentioned in the post!

Además, su historia también podría aparecer en nuestra cuenta de Instagram @swagbucksofficial u otros canales sociales, incluidos Facebook, Twitter, Instagram y Pinterest.

Si desea nominar a otro miembro para que aparezca en Rewarding Moments, cree un video y publíquelo en Twitter (asegúrese de incluir @swagbucks y #SBgoodpeople en su mensaje), publíquelo en nuestro muro de Facebook o envíe un enlace (o ello) por correo electrónico a Envíenos un correo electrónico para informarnos pase lo que pase. Si elegimos esa historia, la persona que nomines obtendrá 1,000 SB y tú obtendrás 500 SB :-)

Si no contamos su momento gratificante esta semana, no significa que no lo contaremos en el futuro. Hay tantos grandes momentos gratificantes para compartir. Esperamos escuchar el suyo.

-Team Swagbucks