Rebecca (Swag Name: Irishdragonles ) is from Columbus, KY and has been a Swagbucks member since May 2009.
Here is what she has to say about her Swagbucks Rewarding Moment
Our area doesn’t have a humane society and the State Park is in front of us late at night you can see a car once in awhile drive up towards the camp grounds and then they’ll turn off their lights turn around door opens & either a cat, kittens or dog is tossed out. Sometimes if they’re in a hurry they would lower the window and throw them out that way. For years I’ve taken care of many animals from the park fed them find homes for them even used my stimulus to get them spayed, & neutered including vaccinated. I am tired of seeing animal abuse. I get up every morning early feed them all brush them if they let me and check if they have any injuries because they’re outside. I’m doing my best in a rural area and being disabled doesn’t help. I’ve been also advocating for a humane society here too. It’s hard when you live in a state with terrible animal laws. 2 pictures of me and my partner with our indoor cats. I use my Swagbucks to help cover the costs of helping these animals. Also please have your pets spayed or neutered! Thank you.

Rebecca, we have issued 1,000 SB to your account. Thank you for sharing your Rewarding Moment with us!
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6. Une photographie.
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If we didn’t tell your rewarding moment this week, it doesn’t mean we won’t tell it in the future. There are so many great rewarding moments to share. We look forward to hearing yours.
-Team Swagbucks
on 11/05/24
on 10/07/24
on 08/19/24
on 07/27/24
on 07/25/24
I have a pet , she's a dog named Kyler I love her so much and I'll like to cross her with a