cornucopiabillsWhat’s your favorite Thanksgiving food? If you’re anything like me you can’t decide and there is nothing wrong with that! Turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes and pies, the list just goes on and on! My mouth is watering just thinking about it, is yours? Well we’ve got something to get your mind off food until then…

Collector’s Bills are BACK!

Collect all 5 Thanksgiving Meal-themed Collector’s Bills and you’ll earn a Bonus von 20 SB!

For those of you who are wondering what Collector’s Bills are, we’re here to explain.

How Do I Get Collector’s Bills?

It’s simple. Suchen Sie im Internet mit der Swagbucks Suchmaschine ab Monday, November 2nd at 12:01am PDT/3:01am EDT through Friday, November 13th at 11:59pm PDT/Saturday, November 13th 2:59am EDT, and when you get a search win, you may get a special Collectors Bill valued at either:

  • 5 SB
  • 14SB
  • 18SB
  • 23 SB
  • 39 SB

What happens when I get a Collector’s Bill?

When you win a limited edition collector bill you’ll receive the value of the bill and the bill will be added to your “Collector’s Bill” ledger. Collect all 5 bills and you’ll instantly earn a 20 SB bonus!

Is it possible to collect the same Collector’s Bills multiple times?

Yes, you could collect any of the Collector’s Bills multiple times throughout the week. After all, who doesn’t love Thanksgiving leftovers!

If you have any questions regarding the Swagbucks Collector’s Bills, post them in the comments below.

-Team Swagbucks