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Experience your online bingo game as you never have before, while going on a bingo games adventure, in Bingo Blitz. Reach the city levels below within 18 days to earn Up to 17,860 SB!
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Offer may only be redeemed once (1) per user. Must be a new user of Bingo Blitz, over 21 years of age and meet minimum OS standards to receive credit. Must reach all levels within 18 days of install to earn SB. Minimum OS requirement to install is OS16 (iOS) and OS 13 (Android). Users using social media posts to achieve the designated levels in an untoward manner will have their credits revoked. This offer is presented to you by Swagbucks on behalf of a third-party merchant or sponsor ("Merchant"). Swagbucks does not endorse (and therefore is not responsible to you for) the Merchant's views, policies, products or services. Have questions? Please contact the Swagbucks Help Center. Member must install this app to earn SB.