Free DSW $100 Gift Card Recibe DSW $100 Gift Card gratis con Swagbucks

DSW $100 Gift Card
(3 opiniones)

Details on the Free DSW $100 Tarjeta de regalo

Big things come in small packages! DSW Gift Cards make the perfect gift. They're stylish and can be used on LET THE SHOE GIVING BEGIN!

Terms & Conditions/ Disclaimer
To check the DSW e-Gift Card balance, call 1.888.895.2504, log on via the internet at, or visit any DSW store. You cannot use your DSW e-Gift Card at DSW stores. This e-Gift Card may not be redeemed for cash unless otherwise required by law. If lost or stolen this e-Gift Card cannot be replaced without the original sales receipt. Replacement value will be the value of the e-Gift Card at the time you report the loss or theft. No expiration date. Any DSW e-Gift Card balance remaining may be used for future online purchases. Use of this e Gift Card constitutes acceptance of these terms and conditions. The terms and conditions of this e-Gift Card are governed by the laws of the state of Ohio. This e-Gift Card is issued by Brand Card Services LLC. For customer service inquiries please call 1.866.DSWSHOES (1.866.379.7463).

Your gift code will be posted on your account profile, under "My Gift Cards" within 10 business days of verifying your purchase.

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Canjea tus puntos por DSW $100 Gift Card

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Calificación BBB Piloto de confianza Insignia de Facebook

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3 Revisar
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on 09/24/19
swagbucks makes you slave for surverys for minutes even hours to inform you the survery is not sustiable for you or if you are working on your computer then decide to check on your phone.. guess what they close your account and keep all your GB. They are huge scam run away ........
on 04/09/12
My weakness. Must...resist!
on 02/01/12
Thank you so much for offering this! I just received my $25 card, and now I'm saving up for the $100. You sure know how to keep a gal in shoes! I <3 DSW and Swagbucks!