Free Wounded Warrior Project Recibe Wounded Warrior Project gratis con Swagbucks

Wounded Warrior Project
(20 opiniones)


Our Mission Is To Honor And Empower Wounded Warriors.

To foster the most successful, well-adjusted generation of wounded service members in our nation's history.

We envision a generation of Wounded Warriors well-adjusted in mind, and body, receiving support to overcome the challenges of readjustment. Through interactive programs, outdoor rehabilitative retreats, peer support, and professional services, warriors are given the tools to maintain healthy, meaningful relationships with family and friends, and pursue life goals without the barriers or stigmas associated with mental health issues.

Every Swag Buck donated equals $0.01, so donating 1,000 Swag Bucks is equivalent to donating ten dollars. For more information about Wounded Warrior Project and how you can help, please visit

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20 Revisar
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on 08/07/24
on 05/27/24
We can all make a difference in helping. On this Memorial Day and everyday. Remember.
on 03/13/24
Everyone should take a moment everyday to think of what each one of these men and woman gave up so we can do whatever we want when we want. Thank you
on 01/09/24
Comment Under Review
on 07/30/23