
It's time for another round of Bingo. The newest way to earn Bonus Cash! For our new members here's how it works: Each tile of your Bingo Board has an action item associated with it. Complete that action item and the square will change colors signifying that it's complete. Complete one of the Patterns on the right and submit your board for Bonus Cash!

Remember: You can only submit your board once so make sure you're ready!

Rules Of The Game

How Swago Works:

  1. Each square on your Swago board has an associated activity. Complete that activity to mark off that square.
  2. You have a limited amount of time to mark off as many squares as possible.
  3. Be mindful of the patterns and their corresponding bonuses. The patterns will vary in difficulty and bonus value. Try to achieve the more difficult pattern in order to receive the highest bonus.
  4. Your patterns and their corresponding bonuses can be found to the right of your board. Once you've achieved a pattern the "submit" button will become clickable. You can have multiple patterns available for submission. However, you can only submit one pattern.

Swago Bonus Patterns

Full Board

100 SB Bonus


50 SB Bonus


25 SB Bonus

Any Row

5 SB Bonus

Any Column

5 SB Bonus

Any Diagonal

5 SB Bonus