Woom rarely has any sales and promotions. But you should still look for the latest woom bikes coupons and promo codes before you make a purchase. To get the best deal make sure to shop through Swagbucks to earn cash back on your purchase.
If you have a toddler learning how to ride a bike, maximize your Woom bikes with an upCYCLING membership. upCYCLING allows you to return your old bike and get a refund for 40% of its original cost. Woom pays for shipping and provides the box for you to ship your old bike back to us. Where there is a one-time $59 fee (per-child) to become an upCYCLING member, you can generate hundreds of dollars of savings if your child sticks with woom bikes throughout their adolescent years. Free shipping and exclusive offers makes it worth it to join their membership program.
Woom is a bike retailer that aims to build the perfect bike for children of varying ages and weight. Fund and safe riding experience while being affordable for everyone. 90% of Woom bike parts have been specially developed for children and produced exclusively for Woom in order to match the specific needs and anatomies of children. Children that start on Woom learn how to ride bikes three times faster than on other bikes. The bikes that are suited to fit children aged one and a half to fourteen years old. It's one of the lightest children's bike in the world.